Thursday, March 13, 2008

Overview -- The Government Tapping in on People's Phone Conversations

Since the recent terrorist attacks on the United States, the government has the capability to evesdrop on people's phone conversations. It is said that this is a method of protecting our country. However, the debate is whether or not this is a just way of protecting our country or if it is a major invasion of personal privacy.

Based on the Patriot Act, signed by George W. Bush, in October of 2001, the government does not need a reason or "warrant" to tap into a phone conversation or internet conversation. Although the idea here is very relevent and important, the method of action may be infringing on people's privacy rights.

In my research paper, I will research the government's methods and requirements on tapping in on these people's phone and internet conversations. Ultimately, I will come to a conclusion on whether this method of public protection is morally just and correct.

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